High Performers Frustrated: Revealing Workplace Feedback Issues

High performers often face unique challenges in the workplace, where their skills and dedication can lead to unintended frustrations. Despite their contributions, these individuals frequently receive inadequate or low-quality feedback during performance reviews. This can lead to dissatisfaction and even attrition. High performers, who are crucial to the success of any organization, find themselves struggling with feedback that is not only unhelpful but also influenced by gendered biases. In this article, we will delve into the complexities of performance feedback for high performers and how it affects employee retention.

Understanding the Frustrations of High Performers

High performers are employees who consistently exceed expectations and deliver exceptional results. They are the backbone of many successful teams. However, the feedback they receive during performance reviews often fails to reflect their contributions accurately. Instead of constructive feedback, these employees frequently receive vague or surface-level comments. This can lead to frustration and disengagement.

In many cases, performance reviews for high performers lack specific examples of their achievements. Managers may offer general praise without detailing the impact of their work. This type of feedback leaves high performers feeling undervalued. They are left wondering what specific actions led to their success and how they can continue to grow. This lack of clarity can hinder their professional development and limit their potential for career advancement.

Moreover, high performers often face the challenge of receiving feedback that focuses more on their personality than on their actual work deliverables. Comments about being a “team player” or having a “positive attitude” may sound positive on the surface. However, they fail to address the concrete contributions that high performers make to the organization. This personality-based feedback can be particularly frustrating for those who are driven by tangible results and continuous improvement.

The Impact of Gendered Biases in Feedback

Gendered biases in feedback are a significant issue that affects high performers, particularly women, in the workplace. Studies have shown that women are more likely to receive feedback based on personality traits rather than their work performance. This phenomenon, known as the “personality tax,” can have detrimental effects on high-performing women and their career advancement.

In performance reviews, women are often praised for being collaborative, helpful, and empathetic. While these qualities are valuable, they do not provide actionable insights for growth. In contrast, men receive feedback that emphasizes their ambition and confidence. This disparity can reinforce gender stereotypes and limit opportunities for women to showcase their skills and accomplishments.

High performers who are women may also internalize negative feedback more than their male counterparts. They are more likely to remember comments that describe them as emotional, unlikable, or difficult. These negative stereotypes can undermine their confidence and impact their ability to seek out leadership roles or pursue career advancement.

To address these gendered biases, organizations must recognize the importance of providing equitable feedback to all employees. Managers should be trained to deliver constructive feedback that focuses on specific work outcomes rather than personality traits. By doing so, they can create an environment where high performers, regardless of gender, feel valued and supported in their professional growth.

The Connection Between Feedback and Employee Retention

High performers are more likely to leave an organization when they receive low-quality feedback. This correlation between feedback and employee retention is significant. Studies have shown that employees who receive vague or unhelpful feedback are 63% more likely to quit within the next 12 months. This statistic highlights the importance of providing high-quality feedback to retain top talent.

When high performers feel that their contributions are not recognized or valued, they may seek opportunities elsewhere. They want to work in environments where their efforts are acknowledged and rewarded. Without constructive feedback, they may become disengaged and lose motivation, ultimately leading to attrition.

Furthermore, high performers who leave an organization often take valuable knowledge and skills with them. This loss can have a negative impact on team dynamics and overall productivity. Replacing high performers is also costly and time-consuming for companies. Therefore, it is crucial for organizations to invest in providing meaningful feedback to retain their best employees.

Constructive feedback that offers clear examples of an employee’s contributions and specific suggestions for improvement can make a significant difference. High performers thrive when they understand what they are doing well and where they can make progress. This type of feedback not only helps them achieve their professional goals but also fosters a sense of loyalty to the organization.

How Managers Can Provide Constructive Feedback

Managers play a crucial role in delivering constructive feedback to high performers. It is essential for them to recognize the value of specific and actionable feedback in supporting employee growth and retention. Here are some strategies that managers can implement to provide high-quality feedback:

  1. Be Specific and Detailed: Managers should provide specific examples of high performers’ achievements and contributions. They should highlight the impact of their work on the team’s success. Detailed feedback allows high performers to understand what actions led to positive outcomes.
  2. Focus on Work Deliverables: Feedback should emphasize the employee’s work deliverables rather than personality traits. Managers should assess the quality of the employee’s work and provide insights on how to enhance it further. This approach ensures that feedback is relevant and actionable.
  3. Set Clear Goals and Expectations: Managers should work with high performers to set clear goals and expectations for their development. This includes discussing potential career advancement opportunities and outlining the skills needed to achieve them. Setting goals provides high performers with a roadmap for growth.
  4. Encourage Open Communication: Managers should create an environment where high performers feel comfortable discussing their feedback and career aspirations. Encouraging open communication fosters trust and allows employees to seek guidance and support when needed.
  5. Provide Regular Feedback: Feedback should not be limited to annual performance reviews. Managers should provide regular feedback throughout the year to keep high performers engaged and motivated. Frequent feedback allows for continuous improvement and development.

Addressing Gendered Biases in Feedback

To address gendered biases in feedback, organizations must take proactive measures to create a more equitable work environment. Here are some strategies to consider:

  1. Implement Bias Training: Organizations should provide bias training for managers to raise awareness of gendered biases in feedback. Training can help managers recognize and address these biases, ensuring that feedback is fair and objective.
  2. Use Feedback Software: Feedback software can provide managers with real-time insights into the quality of their employee reviews. These systems can flag feedback that relies too heavily on personality-based traits, prompting managers to focus on work deliverables.
  3. Encourage Cross-Functional Reviews: Cross-functional reviews involve leaders from different teams contributing to an employee’s performance assessment. This approach provides a more comprehensive view of an employee’s contributions and reduces the risk of biased feedback.
  4. Promote Diversity and Inclusion: Organizations should prioritize diversity and inclusion initiatives to create a more equitable workplace. Diverse teams bring different perspectives and experiences, which can help reduce biases and promote fair feedback practices.
  5. Empower Employees to Advocate for Themselves: Employees should be encouraged to advocate for themselves and request specific feedback when needed. Empowering high performers to seek constructive feedback ensures that they receive the insights they need for growth.

The Importance of Employee Retention

Employee retention is a critical factor for organizational success, especially when it comes to retaining high performers. These individuals bring valuable skills and expertise that contribute to the company’s growth and competitiveness. However, retaining high performers requires a commitment to providing meaningful feedback and supporting their professional development.

Organizations that prioritize employee retention through high-quality feedback create a positive work environment where high performers feel valued and motivated. When employees receive constructive feedback, they are more likely to stay engaged and committed to the organization’s goals. This, in turn, leads to increased productivity, innovation, and overall success.

Furthermore, retaining high performers reduces the costs associated with turnover and recruitment. It allows organizations to maintain continuity and stability within their teams. By investing in the growth and development of high performers, companies can build a strong talent pipeline and ensure long-term success.


High performers play a vital role in the success of any organization, but they often face frustrations related to inadequate feedback during performance reviews. The lack of constructive feedback, combined with gendered biases, can hinder their professional development and lead to attrition. Organizations must recognize the importance of providing high-quality feedback that focuses on work deliverables and supports employee growth.

Managers have a crucial responsibility to deliver specific, actionable feedback that empowers high performers to reach their full potential. By addressing gendered biases and promoting equitable feedback practices, organizations can create an inclusive work environment where high performers feel valued and motivated. Ultimately, investing in meaningful feedback and employee retention strategies will lead to a more engaged and successful workforce.

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This post is originally published on EDGE-FOREX.

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