Several reports have confirmed that Pavel Durov, the
founder and CEO of Telegram, was taken to court from custody, Cointelegraph
reported. According to sources close to the matter, Durov’s detention period
was nearing its end, prompting his transfer to the Paris court.
Unexpected Court Appearance
The Russian news agency RIA Novosti revealed that
Durov was brought to court at around 1:00 PM UTC, marking a significant moment
in what appears to be an ongoing legal matter. A RIA Novosti correspondent reported that two cars
with flashing lights were seen speeding away from the National Anti-Fraud
Bureau in the suburbs of Paris.
This location is where Durov was believed to have been
held during his detention. The sudden movement sparked speculation and concern,
hinting at the seriousness of the situation.
As Durov appeared before the investigating judge, the
possibility of charges being filed became a key focus. The French news agency
Agence France-Presse (AFP) also confirmed Durov’s appearance in court, citing a
source close to the case.
Durov’s court appearance raises many questions about
the future of Telegram and its leadership. While details remain sparse, the
tech community and Telegram users worldwide are keenly watching the
Expect ongoing updates as this story evolves.
Several reports have confirmed that Pavel Durov, the
founder and CEO of Telegram, was taken to court from custody, Cointelegraph
reported. According to sources close to the matter, Durov’s detention period
was nearing its end, prompting his transfer to the Paris court.
Unexpected Court Appearance
The Russian news agency RIA Novosti revealed that
Durov was brought to court at around 1:00 PM UTC, marking a significant moment
in what appears to be an ongoing legal matter. A RIA Novosti correspondent reported that two cars
with flashing lights were seen speeding away from the National Anti-Fraud
Bureau in the suburbs of Paris.
This location is where Durov was believed to have been
held during his detention. The sudden movement sparked speculation and concern,
hinting at the seriousness of the situation.
As Durov appeared before the investigating judge, the
possibility of charges being filed became a key focus. The French news agency
Agence France-Presse (AFP) also confirmed Durov’s appearance in court, citing a
source close to the case.
Durov’s court appearance raises many questions about
the future of Telegram and its leadership. While details remain sparse, the
tech community and Telegram users worldwide are keenly watching the
Expect ongoing updates as this story evolves.
This post is originally published on FINANCEMAGNATES.